Part 1

There once lived a boy who was quiet and serious in demeanour. He always had ambitions to achieve more, but never quite understood what for. He was quickly introduced to the external battle, which takes place on this earth, and one internal was given birth. Torn between what he was, and what he wished to be, he was put in a situation of doubt and longing.

Seeing himself through the eyes of being compared to those around him, all that was good and just was unveiled to be nothing more than lies. The irony of the situation is that if the sun arose tomorrow and all these things elusive to his reach became his, he would probably realise that they were illusions of supposed contentment.

The truth of the matter is that even among all the superficial pleasures this life has to offer, when the silent calm of darkness overtakes him, he is alone. Is he destined to be alone? He cannot bring himself to become who he wants to be, for he is deeply conflicted. Another day is coming to an end, and the struggle continues….

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Bassem Elghawaby is a free verse poet and creative writer who has performed in several Spoken Word events in Ottawa, as well as competitions virtually. His debut work is a 25 year compilation that speaks from a lived experience about bullying, faith, and mental illness, along with other themes from his life.


Solemn stream – A poetic journey through Faith and Bipolar’, is a collection of poetry and journal style entries that have been compiled over 25 years plus. The writing offers a window into the reality of bipolar disorder and anxiety from a personal lens. The nature of these conditions are that they are variable, so it is perhaps from the collective snapshots of thought and feeling over time that one can sense a truer picture. The effect of both subtle and overt bullying in the teen years is also reflected upon, as well as how all these factors can influence how one reacts to

social and academic expectations over the longer term.

motivation to publish this collection is to share my own experience with those who have faced similar struggles, and also to increase understanding among those who can’t relate directly. The writing as a whole leads to reflecting on the blessings that can be found in trials. Faith is a running theme in terms of the search for it, seeking it out as a way to cope, and watching it enrich one’s life and look at ‘illness’ and what it has to teach us or bring us towards in a different way.


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