Dreams in range

Dreams in range

It might just be a page

But it’s my chosen stage

Where dreams can be viewed in range

And ideas spread by words and images displayed

It might be selective and shaded by mood

But by the sum of many pages is how the story is told

I hold onto the promise of something greater

Than what has already come to pass

I’m perpetually looking forward to when I can look back and be proud

For achieving goals and milestones I pray are ultimately Heaven bound

My mind’s machinations are in overdrive lobbying my body to follow its path

And I’m impatient with the idea of saving the best for last

When the present is all we’re guaranteed to have

And the soundtrack in my head is almost maddening in its call for me to act

And follow through on decisions with the courage and consistency asked

And you might ask, what good is a self styled poet, in a world of have not’s and haves

And the answer is still being formulated in an era of mass communications that dare to last

When is a book more than a book, and a page able to reveal certain truths unmasked?

When are the questions just as valuable as the answers they hatch?

Can an author seek to have his words validated without casting a shadow over his stance?

Or is it better for distance to be placed between subject and work advanced?

There’s a certain vulnerability in deciding to expose one’s thoughts just like that

But perhaps it is better to be thought audacious than to be hesitant in one’s acts

So, I choose to use the venue at hand, hoping somehow that value extends

And if I’m mistaken, I ask for your forgiveness, but I felt a need to share what I penned