Patience heals

Patience heals

An answer is what we seek

Questions are what we speak

Action is what we take

Either fractionally or in an exponential feat

I’d rather not have to play in a cast I’ve commissioned

All so I can star fictitiously and escape reality’s prism

My past can be like prison chains weighing down the present’s promise

And I excel at analyzing when what I must do is implement

If you judge me now, I’ve already pre-judged myself

So, go ahead and use the matrix of sons and wealth

I’ve had it up to here with expectations breadth

I pump my fist in the sky, and wonder if piety cries

But, no you wouldn’t understand the line that I ride

You haven’t seen what it really means to hide

From your psychoses and wounded pride

And just as I have turned around

And made assumptions about you

Whoever ‘you’ may be

In my ranting soliloquy

Most of what we all say, lands on deaf ears

Forgotten soon after even if they chose to hear

It’s all about you and the Divine

And forcing a smile

In the hopes it becomes real

While the promise of patience heals