Possibilities of a diverse world

Possibilities of a diverse world

If I say it does it make it true?

I think therefore I am, and all of that…

If I make a claim, does that get me into a courtroom of my peers?

Should I focus on grievances, or the lessons they’ve taught me?

Should I focus on the smallness of bigoted minds?

Or the possibilities of a diverse world beneath the surface?

Am I going in circles with all these questions and observations?

Isn’t ‘different’ good in a world of strip malls and carbon copies?

I just want to SCREAM

But will anyone hear me?

Will they take off their headphones and look me in the eye?

Perhaps offer me some understanding and words of affirmation

Hear me, listen, even though I’ve been deaf to your own cries

We can discuss them both, or simply above them rise

How can I move forward when the past subconsciously weighs me down?

I’m addicted to analysis and rhyming reconstructions

Though the rhythm often skips a beat

Throwing it all off track before it realizes it is part of the process

Watch me try and articulate my reality to you second hand

Lines attempting to capture hours, weeks, years, and days

Sequentially out of whack

Due to the tumult of past bipolar attacks

But past is past and I cannot let it perpetuate its grasp

On me, on everything…everything that I could be

My potential is exponential because it’s God Given

But, it can only be truly enacted through upright living